NMAMIT has a very effective student monitoring and counselling programme. At the first year level, it is headed and coordinated by the first year incharge. This programme basically aims to monitor, mentor and counsel first year students with regard to their academics and other adjustment issues.

It is carried at various levels:

  • At the beginning of the first semester, academically weaker students on the basis of PCM percentage in PUC are allotted Faculty Advisors to monitor their performance.
  • For monitoring students in groups, there is a ‘Proctor system' where two Faculty members are assigned the responsibility of monitoring each class. They monitor the performance of the students in terms of attendance, performance in sessional examinations, tasks and other academic activities
  • For academically weaker students, the programme arranges remedial classes in subjects where generally there are more failures
  • Meetings are conducted with the poor performers and slow learners after Mid Semester Examination - I, to discuss their challenges towards improving academic performance
  • Attendance shortage details are collected from the Faculty at regular inverals. Students with shortage are individually called and counselled, to facilitate necessary remedial action
  • Twice in a semester, progress report of the students shall be sent to their parents
  • The Student Monitoring cell regularly analyses the performance of NRI students with less than 65% in PCM and the effectiveness of the Faculty Advisor scheme
  • Parents meet are conducted regularly in every semester to make the parents aware of the performance of their wards.